
Bringing our laneway and hospitality knowledge to the Docklands.


  • Location: NewQuay, Docklands
  • Client: MAB Corporation
  • Category: Mixed–use
  • Year: 2022
  • Photography: Alex Reinders, Dan Preston

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong Boon Wurrung Country

Scale: 24,715 m2 GFA, 20 Storeys, 173 Apartments, 2400m2 Commercial & Parking

Value: $80m

Landscape: GBLA

Video by Alexandre Lourié
Renders by BINYAN


  • 2024, Better Future Australian Design Awards,
    – Architecture – Mixed Use - Constructed, Gold

  • 2023, Melbourne Design Awards, Better Future — Constructed Architecture, Mixed Use, Gold

  • 2023, Melbourne Design Awards, Better Future — Constructed Architecture, Multi–Residential, Silver

  • 2022, UDIA Awards — High Density Development Award

Escala is a new benchmark mixed-use project for Melbourne’s NewQuay. Central to Escala’s community life is a small square and laneway integrated into the ground plane. It’s a natural meeting point and social springboard that launches an authentic neighbourhood vibe. As well as a gathering place, the square is a prominent forecourt and activated public realm with specialty retail and commercial tenancies that complement the residential tower.

“Central to the success of the scheme is the level of detail lavished in various components of the project” Andy Fergus, Urban Design, City of Melbourne